The Longest Way : one year walk/beard grow time lapse

The Longest Way 1.0 - one year walk/beard grow time lapse from Christoph Rehage on Vimeo.

2007,9ნოემბერი - 2008,13ნოემბერი
1წლის განმავლობაში ფეხით გაიარა 4646კილომეტრი ჩინეთში
იზრდიდა წვერს და თმას

ძალიან მაგარი ჩუვაკია :იმჰო:


Masquerade from Aziz K. on Vimeo.


Portugal. the Man - Do You

Portugal. the Man - Do You from Ryan Rothermel on Vimeo.

36 Skaters Make Downhill Neon Video Game


Stop motion with wolf and pig

Alex Gray

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I NEVER KNEW YOU from grassyslope on Vimeo.

i cant stop listening to this shit

Alex Metric 'It Starts'

Wizard Smoke

Wizard Smoke from Salazar on Vimeo.


Panic Attack!

მე მომეწონა

Think Different

Here’s to the Crazy Ones.

The misfits.

The rebels.

The troublemakers.

The round pegs in the square holes.

The ones who see things differently.

They’re not fond of rules.

And they have no respect for the status quo.

You can quote them, disagree with them,

disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them.

About the only thing that you can’t do, is ignore them.

Because they change things.

They invent. They imagine. They heal.

They explore. They create. They inspire.

They push the human race forward.

Maybe they have to be crazy.

How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art?

Or, sit in silence and hear a song that hasn’t been written?

Or, gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?

We make tools for these kinds of people.

While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.

Because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world,

are the ones who do.

Maciej Zieliński

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Suveyda from Ayhan Cebe on Vimeo.

“Light and dark, noise and calm, beauty, decay, pain and hope–these are the shattering contrasts that propel our lives ahead in the boundless, throbbing river of existence. None of us knows what the next moment will bring, the raptures and terrifying discoveries born with every choice. And yet, in the alternation of day and night, in the ebb and tide of the oceans, in the constant expansion and quiet contraction of our lungs in and out with each breath–we know our journey is not random chaos but a journey where every shouting supernova, every trembling cell, returns to the one perfect mystery from which we all come and go.Instead, in the rotation of the stars, planets, seasons, increase, loss, sadness, joy, struggle, surrender– there is a cosmic beauty, a unity and purpose.”

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parkour motion reel from saggyarmpit on Vimeo.

erin hanson _ Reminders & other stuff

მეც მჭირდება "გამხსენებლები"(თუ როგორაა ქართულად) :D ეჭვი მაქვს არამარტო მე ..

Imogen Heap - Canvas



Alternative rock/Indie rock



Academy Award nominee, 1999
Written and Directed by Mark Osborne

Seabear - I Sing I Swim

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Balance 1989

ეგოისტებმა უყურეთ :D

Ampop - Sociopath

I don`t feel pain the way you do
I don`t feel fear at all
I`m a sociopath

I`m a menace to society
Don`t want your company
I`m a sociopath

There is nothing you can do
to change my point of view
cause I don`t care about anything

I`m just a sociopath
I can`t help it I am bad

I have no remorse about the past
Don`t care what happens next
I`m a sociopath

Hurting people is my speciality
Breaking hearts a part of me
I`m a sociopath, I`m a psychopath

I'll kill her

I´ll kill her from Joerg Barton on Vimeo.


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spike jonze _ i’m here.

Spike Jonze _ _ bjork_ის ეს ლეგენდალური ვიდეო მას ეკუთვნის,

ასევე მისია Where the Wild Things Are (2009) , რომელსაც ვუყურებ someday/ახლო მომავალში!

And now he’s about to explore the humanity of being a robot…

მისი ნახევარსაათიანი მოკლემეტრაჟიანი ფილმი “I’m Here” გამოვა მაისში , ფილმი არის 2რობოწიკზე რომელთაც უყვარდებათ ერთურთი..
ველი & ვუყურებ სიამოვნებით..

იქამდე ვტკბები ამით :

Brakes - Dont take me to space (man)

Brakes - Dont take me to space (man) from Lee Gingold on Vimeo.

And Everything Was Alright

And Everything Was Alright from Placeholder Films on Vimeo.

Doll Face

Her Morning Elegance / Oren Lavie


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Bright Eyes "First Day Of My Life"


A SHORT LOVE STORY IN STOP MOTION from Carlos Lascano on Vimeo.

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Nick Gentry

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Simon's Cat 'Snow Business'

Breaking it up – alternative live video. Filmed by: Christian Haag

Breaking it up – alternative live video. Filmed by: Christian Haag from Lykke Li on Vimeo.


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ჰაინრიხ ბიოლი_ჩემი ნაღვლიანი სახე

ვეცდები, საერთოდ არ მქონდეს არანაირი სახე...


Moonboy from MoreFrames on Vimeo.

Sam Weber

Sam Weber

The Crow Procedure
Aboriginal surgeons facilitate cosmetic transformations for a spiritually empty consumer class.
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The Nostalgist
A dead child is reconstructed.
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Winter Soldier
Veterans testify against war crimes.
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Lord of the flies.
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Porous Walker

Porous Walker_ს Sძალუძს ღიმილი დაგვიტოვოს სახეზე! უმეტესობა უხამსო" ნამუშევარი აქვს ,ასერო შევარჩიე არაუხამსოები" აქ დასადებად :DD


My photo
არარაობისგან შემდგარი არსება. ბავშვობიდან ჩუმად დააქვს მოკლედ შეჭრილი ფრთები, ბრბოს კი რატომღაც კუზი გონია..